About Clare
Clare is a marine biologist and wildlife photographer based in Tofo Beach, Mozambique. Originally from Sussex in the U.K., Clare is currently a principal scientist at the Marine Megafauna Foundation working on the global whale shark programme. She has published several scientific papers on whale sharks, and is currently co-authoring a feeding ecology chapter in a scientific text book on whale sharks.
Clare’s is an expert on stable isotope and fatty acid analysis and completed her PhD thesis in 2018. Her thesis focussed on on using these techniques as a kind of “biological passport” to investigate where whale sharks have been and what they were eating when they are away from coastal areas and we can’t easily find them.. Her most recent publication showed that the world’s largest fish, roam less than previously thought, and this was covered by global press including The Guardian, Geographical, Mongabay, ECO Magazine, Science Daily and Africa Geographic.
Her photographs have also been widely published to and highlight research, conservation, and sustainable tourism issues including The Guardian, Nature Ecology & Evolution; The Royal Society; Travel for Wildlife,
She has a PhD in Ocean and Earth Science from the University of Southampton, an MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation from Imperial College, London and a BSc (Hons) in Zoology from the University of Durham. She also has extensive marine and conservation experience working and volunteering with organisations including Manx Wildlife Trust, Coral Cay Conservation (Tobago), Born Free Foundation, Global Vision International, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (University of Kent), Operation Wallacea (Indonesia), Coral Cay Conservation (Fiji) and Mokolodi game reserve (Botswana).
In her free time, Clare enjoys scuba diving, surfing, yoga, climbing, making and eating A LOT of food (yes, that’s a hobby….), and generally being outdoors.